Monday, November 17, 2008

Reimagining Evangelism training material review

There is significant benefit of using the Reimagining Evangelism materials to encourage and equip students to share their faith. Rick Richardson, particularly in the included DVD, does an excellent job of addressing the fears, hesitation, and baggage that many students have when it comes to evangelism. His push for doing the things that you love and just being intentional to take non-Christians with you and be open and willing to have spiritual conversations is empowering to students who often view evangelism as just one more IV thing they have to do.

Wake Forest students were particularly impacted by the reminder of the biblical call that all of us go and make disciples of all nations, but that this can look different for each person based upon their gifts, personality, interests, etc. Too many students think that evangelism has to be just contact evangelism or that it can be "living the Christian life" without ever speaking the truth about Jesus Christ. Rick Richardson challenges those assumptions while encouraging students to do evangelism where they are, with people they know, in places they already feel comfortable.

For staff who don't feel they have the time or the gifts to put together a full evangelism training session (or sessions), Reimagining Evangelism is a great tool that challenges students to think about outreach in a new way and empowers them to, even in small ways, begin to think and live evangelistically.

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